Myofascial release is a manual technique which may provide an effective means to treat fascial restrictions in the body.
Sustained gentle pressure is applied directly to the area. Restriction in one part of the body may cause symptoms locally or further afield where other tissues are taking the strain. Imagine strongly pinching a sheet smoothed out flat on a bed - a 'knot' is formed at this point but you can see lines of 'tension' radiating out from that point. The areas of tension are felt by sensitive hands and followed so that it might be necessary to treat the feet even if a headache is the symptom. A number of other physical, hands on techniques may also be used.
What is fascia ?
'Myo' means muscle and 'fascia' (pronounced fash-uh) means band. Fascia is a connective tissue. It is a 3 dimensional web, which connects, cushions, protects, stabilises and supports every part of our body. It is probably most easily recognised as the tougher, shiney whitish tissue in a piece of meat. In this instance it serves to surround and seperate the individual muscles to allow them to glide smoothly over each other and also provide a protective route through which nerves and blood and lymphatic vessels can pass. Think of a onesie with lots of interconnecting pockets!
But fascia comes in different forms depending on it's make up. It is made from elastin, a stretchy protein; collagen, a more fibrous protein; and a ground substance which is like a sticky, watery, gelatinous sponge. Fascia can be tough, for example around the spine or directly under the skin (particularly noticeable in the palm of your hand or sole of your foot); more like a cobweb,for example in and around the brain, organs, blood vessels and nerves. Or fascia can be more jelly-like, typically found in the abdomen. The most recent definition of fascia also includes ligaments,tendons and bursa.
Fascia is ever changing, reacting to the demands our life experiences place on it. Injury, inflammation, repeated stresses and emotional trauma will all effect the fascia's pliability, sometimes causing adhesions. Tension in the fascial system influences the function and comfort of the body.This tension and restriction can exert excessive pressures within the body resulting in all kinds of symptoms.