

​PureHMO® Human Milk Oligosaccharide (HMO 2'FL) Super Prebiotic Powder

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PureHMO® Human Milk Oligosaccharide (HMO 2'FL) Super Prebiotic Powder

Discover the benefits of HMO prebiotic - Human Milk Oligosaccharide 2’FL – a prebiotic naturally found in mother's milk. This product features 45 servings of fermented, pure and tasteless HMO powder to nourish your gut:
  • Feed 200 Billion CFU Probiotics: prebiotics are the foods to the good gut bacteria (probiotics), each serving of PureHMO supports the growth of 200 billion good bugs.
  • Balance Gut Microflora: HMO prebiotic powder promotes the growth of key probiotics like Bifidobacterium and Akkermansia Muciniphila.
  • Improve Immune System: HMO are more effective at enhancing innate immunity, blocking pathogens, and reducing inflammation than conventional prebiotics.
  • Support Cognitive Health: Unlike other prebiotics, HMO metabolites support brain development, neuronal transmission, and cognitive function.
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​PureHMO® Human Milk Oligosaccharide (HMO 2'FL) Super Prebiotic Powder

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