The MELT method

The MELT Method

The fascia is like a spider’s web covering every joint, muscle,
nerve, bone and organ in our entire body. New science epi-genetics is confirming that physical and emotional trauma, repetitive everyday motions and stress from our daily lives are literally getting trapped in the body. 

“issues are getting stuck in the tissues” 

Not addressing this could eventually lead to fascia dehydration and cellular damage, causing a domino effect that begins with aches and stiffness followed by common health issues such as neck and lower back pain, head aches, tension, insomnia, anxiety, digestive problems and injury. Accelerated ageing and chronic health problems can follow. This can leave us feeling like we are broken and having limited options such as medicine and surgery or a restricted lifestyle.

Using specially designed soft foam rollers and soft treatment balls we will perform Melt’s specific techniques around the body to bring a flush of fresh fluid through the system to restore your fascia’s supportive supple nature. Charlotte will lead the session and you will follow, working on your own body, learning how to treat yourself, which gives you the independence and power over  your own journey. Once you are confident with the moves this is a technique you practice by yourself at home.
Melt’s gentle self care technique may resolve chronic pain,
enhance mobility, stability and performance, whilst restoring
overall well being.
BODYHEALwithMelt is for absolutely everyone, regardless of
age, sex or level of fitness


Your Practitioner:

Charlotte Jones-Cope is trained and qualified in the Melt Method: hand and

foot, level 1 and level 2. Charlotte combines the science of the

Melt method, with spirituality and consciousness, working with the

body as a whole system. Charlotte’s training and teaching was

birthed from her own experience of living with chronic pain and

disease in her body. When it got to a stage where it was no longer

manageable she spent five years of intense studying and working

on changing the environment of her body, sourcing the root cause

and addressing it. Today, in 2024,  she still works on her body as

maintenance but is living pain free in harmony.

Charlotte Jones-Cope


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